The latest serialized series on Apple TV+, Constellation, fails to deliver on its promise of intrigue and captivating storytelling, instead presenting a turgid sci-fi saga with pedestrian elements.

Protracted Prologue and Obvious Mystery

Constellation suffers from a protracted prologue that fails to engage viewers, with the mystery behind the story’s central premise becoming obvious from the outset. The series’ pacing leaves much to be desired, stretching a narrative that could have been condensed into a shorter format.

Synopsis of the Plot

The series begins with astronaut Jo (Noomi Rapace) encountering a mysterious object aboard the International Space Station, leading to a series of inexplicable events. As Jo grapples with the aftermath of the incident, she is drawn into a complex web of doppelgangers, specters, and mirrored realities.

Disjointed Storytelling

Constellation’s narrative is disjointed, alternating between Jo’s experiences aboard the ISS and her subsequent journey on Earth with her daughter Alice. Despite occasional breaks in the timeline, the story fails to maintain momentum, resulting in a tedious viewing experience.

One-Dimensional Characters

The characters in Constellation lack depth and complexity, with Jo’s daughter Alice serving as a prime example of one-dimensional storytelling. The series relies heavily on clichés and predictable tropes, failing to develop its characters beyond superficial traits.


Overall, Constellation falls short of expectations, offering a lackluster viewing experience characterized by meandering plotlines and underdeveloped characters. While the premise holds potential for intrigue, the execution leaves much to be desired, making it a forgettable addition to the sci-fi genre.