Try these six natural stomach distress cures.

You may have had too many seasonal sweets or consumed too much food, and you may require a quick approach to bounce and recover from an upset stomach. The good news is that you don’t have to pop Tums or take medication to feel better. In truth, there are several natural stomach discomfort cures.

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Natural stomach upset cures


Do you want to know how to get rid of an upset stomach quickly? These are six natural techniques to relieve pain.

1. ginseng


If you don’t mind the strong flavor, ginger can be an excellent natural cure for stomach pain. This plant root has been demonstrated to help relieve moderate nausea and vomiting, and it has been used for this – as well as to reduce inflammation – throughout history.

Even if you don’t enjoy the flavor of ginger on its own, there are alternative ways to get its advantages. There are several options available, ranging from chewable pills to sipping ginger ale.

2. Tea with herbs


Herbal tea may be a wonderful solution if you experience a nocturnal stomach discomfort after a large sweets binge. These caffeine-free beverages will not keep you awake at night and can help to soothe your nerves while alleviating stomach discomfort.

Peppermint drinks and oils are widely renowned for their ability to relieve nausea, and merely breathing the vapors of peppermint oil can bring comfort. Chamomile tea is a digestive relaxant that can help you relax. Licorice root, which may be consumed as a tea, can help with digestion and ease stomach discomfort.

3. Tasteless meals


When your stomach is overstimulated, you may need to consume something soothing. The last thing you want to do is prepare something hot, oily, or fatty, since this will certainly intensify your stomach discomfort.

Instead, stick to the fundamentals. Simple, bland meals like bread, rice, and bananas promote digestion and do not irritate your stomach.

4. seltzer water


Although sugary soda is not a good option for an upset stomach, simple seltzer water can be a helpful stomach pain cure. It has been demonstrated in studies to help treat indigestion, constipation, and other digestive disorders. If you don’t like the taste of plain seltzer water, consider a naturally flavored (but unsweetened) alternative to relieve stomach ache.

In many circumstances, ordinary tap water can also help relieve intestinal discomfort and nausea. If you’re feeling dehydrated after all that eating, consider drinking a couple glasses of water to rehydrate and get your stomach flowing again.

5. ACV (apple cider vinegar)


This is a more powerful treatment, because apple cider vinegar is rather intense and sour on its own. But, it’s an incredibly powerful stomach ache remedy, so check your cupboard to see if you have some. To make it more pleasant, combine one or two teaspoons with water or juice.

6. Heating pad


It’s not anything to eat, which is why it could be your best option after a night of overindulging on candy. A heating pad on your stomach may relax the muscles in your belly and help things go through your intestines, making it a soothing stomach pain cure. A hot shower can also have a similar effect.

But, if you endure continuous vomiting or can’t keep food or drink down the next day, you should probably consult a doctor.